API Documentation

Our API allows you to access and run tests remotely. It can be used to integrate Ghost Inspector into your workflow.


  • List Tests - Fetch an array of all the tests in your account
  • Get Test - Fetch a single test from your account
  • Update Test - Update a test and return the updated test
  • Duplicate Test - Duplicate a single test and return the new test
  • Delete Test - Delete a test
  • Execute Test - Execute a single test in your account and return the result
  • Execute On-demand Test - Execute an on-demand test using JSON from your file system or repository
  • Get Running Results for Test - Fetch a list of the currently-executing results for this test
  • Accept Screenshot for Test - Accept a screenshot as the new baseline for the test
  • List Test Results - Fetch an array of test results for a test
  • List Test Results in CSV Format - Fetch a CSV formatted export of test results for a test
  • Download Test in Selenium Builder Format (.json) - Download a single test in Ghost Inspector format (.json)
  • Download Test in Selenium IDE Format (.side) - Download a single test in Selenium IDE format (.side)
  • Download Test in Selenium IDE Format (.html) - Download a single test in Selenium IDE format (.html)
  • Test Status Badge - Real-time embeddable status badge for your test

Test Results


Suite Results

Data Sources



  • Get Running - Fetch a list of the currently-executing results for the entire organization


  • Test Webhook - The payload POSTed to any specified test webhook

Test Runner IP Addresses

Rate Limits

  • Rate Limits - The API access rates allowed by the system


  • Authentication - The error that is returned when authentication fails
  • Validation - The error that is returned when the request is not valid
  • Timeout - The error that is returned when the request times out before completing
  • Server Problem - The error that is returned when the Ghost Inspector service is encountering problems