Test Runner IP Addresses
The IP addresses of our test runners by region can be accesses dynamically through the following endpoint. No API key is required.
Method: GET
URL: https://api.ghostinspector.com/v1/test-runner-ip-addresses
{"code": "SUCCESS","data": {"us-east-1": {"name": "Northern Virginia, USA","ips": ["", "", "", ""]},"me-south-1": {"name": "Bahrain","ips": ["", ""]},"ca-central-1": {"name": "Canada","ips": ["", ""]},"af-south-1": {"name": "Cape Town, South Africa","ips": ["", ""]},"eu-west-1": {"name": "Dublin, Ireland","ips": ["", ""]},"eu-central-1": {"name": "Frankfurt, Germany","ips": ["", ""]},"ap-east-1": {"name": "Hong Kong","ips": ["", ""]},"eu-west-2": {"name": "London, England","ips": ["", ""]},"eu-south-1": {"name": "Milan, Italy","ips": ["", ""]},"ap-south-1": {"name": "Mumbai, India","ips": ["", ""]},"us-west-1": {"name": "Northern California, USA","ips": ["", ""]},"eu-west-3": {"name": "Paris, France","ips": ["", ""]},"sa-east-1": {"name": "São Paulo, Brazil","ips": ["", ""]},"ap-northeast-2": {"name": "Seoul, South Korea","ips": ["", ""]},"ap-southeast-1": {"name": "Singapore","ips": ["", ""]},"eu-north-1": {"name": "Stockholm, Sweden","ips": ["", ""]},"ap-southeast-2": {"name": "Sydney, Australia","ips": ["", ""]},"ap-northeast-1": {"name": "Tokyo, Japan","ips": ["", ""]}}}